Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Build A Website

Hi there. You may be reaching this page via theelusivethread.com. The reason for this is because I am currently in the throes of building my main website on my own domain name. In the meantime, I didn't want anyone to get lost, and everything you will eventually find on my own domain, you can find here.

The main page is my blog. I talk about all the fun of owning a business, and of playing with sheep fleeces for a living.

On the right hand sidebar, you can find links to places I find interesting, including my own Etsy Shop.

I want you to feel at home, so please come in, stay a while, and check out all I've got to offer.

Once the main domain is set up, I will have the redirect taken down, and everything will migrate to theelusivethread.com.  But until then, I hope blogspot can help us connect!

ETA: Migration appears to be complete. Just testing to see if it all works! As of 6/26, we are Live! Welcome to the Elusive Thread!

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