Sunday, March 6, 2011

Emerald City Comicon 2011

I have spent the past three days at the Emerald City Comicon. I hope you understand that I am a total geek. And I've been having a blast.

I want to share these photos with you, because I want to prove that crafting can be found in unexpected places (then again...I craft, and have been knitting while at the ECCC...)

A girl was sharing a booth with another vendor, and she had taken to crocheting hats and amigurumi cuteness to sell. Before you freak: She is not violating any copyright laws. Trust me, I looked it up. Do you see the Cthulhu?! OMG CUTE!!!  and I love the pirates, TMNT, and also the Angry Birds cardinal. How cool is that?!

Second, and this is the piece de resistance for my entire weekend. You all know how wonderful Wil Wheaton is, from such wonders as The Guild and Big Bang Theory. You remember him from WootStock 2010. Well, Wil Wheaton has won the Badass Award for Complete Awesomeness. He held my knitting. 

Wil Wheaton Loves Knitters

If you look closely, at the bottom, another loving crafter made him a Wil Wheaton Doll. We love the gamer/crafter crossover! (and apologies for the fuzzy picture. I was only allowed one, and my dear SO didn't really know how to work my camera.) 


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